sylfirm x microneedling
DO YOU dream of having a v-shape face?
Do you dream of having a V-shaped face?
Often seen as the most desirable facial shape, a V-shaped face features a slender profile with a defined jawline and well-contoured chin, which are considered youthful and elegant.

Thanks to technological advancements, achieving this look is now possible through various non-surgical procedures.

Slimmer Face – Jaw BTX
If you have prominent or bulky jaw muscles, this treatment can relax and reduce their size, resulting in a slimmer, smoother jawline. The procedure is clinically proven and mostly painless, with results visible in 3-4 weeks and lasting about 4-6 months.

FLX Face Lift
As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, causing sagging and a heavier-looking jawline.

This non-invasive device uses Monopolar Radio-Frequency energy to tighten and smooth skin. It can be applied to the face, eyelids, and body. Monopolar Radio Frequency FLX system includes built-in surface skin cooling while delivering RF energy deep into the dermis. There is minimal downtime, and results could last up to 1-1.5 years.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Energy (HIFU) penetrates deep into the skin, targeting the SMAS layer (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System) to tighten skin and enhance jawline definition. This procedure is relatively painless with no downtime.

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