Does Abdominoplasty Surgery Benefit Health?

This article covers the health benefits of abdominoplasty, focusing on abdominoplasty surgery in Jaipur, where many individuals seek specialist care for aesthetic and health reasons. 

Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck,” is a cosmetic surgery that flattens the stomach. This is done by removing extra skin and fat and tightening abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is usually done for cosmetic reasons but may have health benefits. This article covers the health benefits of abdominoplasty, focusing on abdominoplasty surgery in Jaipur, where many individuals seek specialist care for aesthetic and health reasons. 


Health Benefits of Abdominoplasty Surgery


Abdominoplasty surgery removes loose skin and tightens abdominal muscles to flatten the stomach. This surgery works best for people who have lost weight or recovered after pregnancy.

Abdominoplasty may have other benefits for some.

  • May Reduce Back Pain.

Following pregnancy or weight loss, the abdominal muscles may weaken or pull apart (diastasis recti). A surgeon may repair weaker or divided abdominal muscles, strengthening the core and providing better back support.

Interestingly, a 2018 study in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons discovered that individuals who received a tummy tuck experienced significant decreases in back discomfort within six weeks to 6 months of surgery.

  • May Promote Better Posture.

Tightening the abdominal muscles promotes a stronger core required for spine stabilization. One study mentioned in the same journal discovered that this can assist in repositioning the pelvis and keeping the back straight, improving posture over time.

  • May Improve Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).

SUI develops when there is too much pressure on the bladder or urethra. While this ailment is typically managed without surgery, certain studies have suggested that a tummy tuck can improve SUI.

  • May Repair A Ventral Hernia

A tummy tuck can help cure a ventral hernia by relieving strain on the abdominal wall and strengthening weak abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty may be added to a normal hernia repair.

  • Can Boost Confidence And Self-Esteem.

Most people undergo a tummy tuck to improve the appearance of their belly. While there is typically no medical reason for a tummy tuck, and loose skin is a natural occurrence, research has shown that tummy tuck recipients often feel more confident in their physical appearance after the procedure.

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that can also alleviate back discomfort, posture, and urinary incontinence by repairing weakening or divided abdominal muscles. It can also increase self-esteem and confidence. To avail of the benefits of this amazing procedure, one can consult the best plastic surgeon in India, Dr. Akangsha Sharma. To do so, visit AK Aesthetics Clinic in Jaipur. 

Akangsha Sharma

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