How to maintain dining room furniture

First, dining room furniture should avoid being placed next to the dehumidifier and where it can be exposed to the sun.

How to maintain dining room furniture

First, dining room furniture should avoid being placed next to the dehumidifier and where it can be exposed to the sun.

Second, pay attention to the adjustment of indoor air and proper ventilation, the room is long closed doors and Windows are not ventilated, furniture is easy to lose bright color, the temperature is too large or in the rainy season to mold the furniture, timely open doors and Windows for ventilation, put furniture warehouse should pay attention to window ventilation.

Third, when buying dining room furniture, you must ask the business clearly. If it is wax maintenance furniture, in the purchase of wax, it is best to choose a high concentration of solid wax, it can fill the small defects on the furniture. In addition, spray wax is also a good choice. But never use both together, or else

Fourth, because the dining room furniture itself has the function of automatically adjusting the humidity, it is not recommended to dehumidify often, usually once a month. However, the vicinity of the restaurant is a humid area, and the interval and number of dehumidification should be increased to avoid moldy furniture.

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